Projects on the Move

Projects on the Move


Drupal and WordPress often hog the spotlight, but other content management systems offer impressive performances. This month, we look at the latest Joomla release and check out concrete5.

Although I wouldn’t call myself a web designer, over the years I’ve managed websites running on eZ Publish and Drupal, and I’ve created several sites running WordPress, which I think is the most user-friendly site to hand off for non-technical clients to maintain. Recently, I started using Joomla, which powers the website. At first, I found Joomla to be less userfriendly than WordPress, more inviting than eZ Publish, with a learning curve comparable to Drupal (although newer versions of eZ Publish are pretty Drupal-like). In short, Joomla is different from other content management systems, so it takes some getting used to; however, it is feature-rich, has an active community, and comes with excellent documentation.

"Each CMS has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, but for me Joomla’s unique strength lies in the breadth of the community and the range of available extensions – over 8,000 – that give site builders unrivaled versatility with the type of websites that they can build," says Brian Teeman, co-founder of Joomla. Joomla 1.7 rolled out in July and was the first release on the new six-month release cycle [1]. In addition to security updates, the new release offers the option to specify the site name before or after the page title, a "remove installation folder" button as part of the installation process, and the ability to add a background image to the custom HTML module.