Sojourn in Prague

Sojourn in Prague


One of the nice things about Free Software is that it can take you to some very nice places. Recently, it took me to Prague, Czech Republic, where I attended several Linux Foundation events (the Kernel Summit, Embedded Linux Conference, and LinuxCon Europe).

Although I have been to more than 100 countries in my travels with both Unix and Linux during the past 30 years, Prague has somehow eluded me until now. But, with three events in the same city and the possibility of attending an event without having to present at it, I used some frequent flier miles and performed some unique hotel juggling to attend the conferences at a reasonable price. Of course, the call of a city well known for beer and beer history helped, too.

Another nice feature of this trip was getting to see Linus Torvalds again and to listen to some interesting thoughts he had on the Linux community.