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  • Red Hat Releases RHEL 6.4 beta and Enterprise Virtualization 3.1
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Red Hat Releases RHEL 6.4 beta and Enterprise Virtualization 3.1

Red Hat Inc. has announced the availability of Enterprise Linux 6.4. According to the company, this beta release includes updates to existing features and new functionality in the areas of identity management, filesystem, virtualization, and storage.

Many of the enhancements will allow improved operability with Microsoft’s Hyper-V virtualization environment. Specifically, version 6.4 includes the Microsoft Hyper-V Linux drivers and offers installation support for VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V para-virtualization drivers. Additionally, the announcement says that new System Security Services Daemon enhancements improve interoperability with Microsoft Active Directory by providing centralized identity access control for Linux/Unix clients in a heterogeneous environment.