Security News and Articles

Security Toolbox

KNOW-HOW: Hardening Linux for Production Use free

Cloud Security

Three encryption tools for the cloud


Safeguard your cloud storage with some preemptive file encryption. Here are three open source tools that get the job done in Linux.

Using Sudo Options to Enhance Security

Sudo Security Voodoo


By taking the time to learn sudo's many options, you can make your system more secure with a little creativity.

Open source messaging middleware

NEWS: RabbitMQ free

An Essential Sys Admin and Security Tool

FEATURES: Wireshark free

EncryptPad is a handy text editor with encryption

IN-DEPTH: Secure Writer free

LINUX VOICE: Simplifying SSH free

A distro for moving from Windows/Mac OS to Linux

REVIEWS: Migration free

LINUX VOICE: Pretty Complex free

Debian, Ubuntu, and Other Distros are Leaving Users Vulnerable

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