Hardware News and Articles

Purism Launches a Mini PC


Breathe new life into an old computer with PXE boot and TinyCore Linux

IN-DEPTH: Boot Story free

Tuxedo InfinityBook Pro 15 v4

IN-DEPTH: Lean Machine

Zero to Hero

KNOW-HOW: Turbocharge Your Network with Zeroshell free

Open source messaging middleware

NEWS: RabbitMQ free

The Year 2018 in Open Hardware

Emerging Markets


2018 saw several open hardware projects reach fruition. Where the open hardware movement goes from here, remains to be seen.

Exploring the /proc filesystem with Python and shell commands

IN-DEPTH: /proc Talk free

Analog to Digital

Get your Pi to read analog data


The Raspberry Pi still lacks analog GPIOs that would allow it to read directly from temperature and light sensors, or even humble potentiometers. With an inexpensive chip and some homegrown software you can grant the Pi the gift of analog sensing.

Exploring the Tiny $9 C.H.I.P. Computer

Up Close with C.H.I.P.


The C.H.I.P. is a cute little thing, but don't let appearances fool you: It is quite the beast deep down, and you can squeeze some seriously fun projects out of it.

Open Source Prosthetics

The Hidden Revolution


Open source software and hardware quietly transforms the field of human prosthetics.

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