monitoring News and Articles

Saving Energy with PowerTOP2.0


The PowerTOP tool developed by Intel helps you save power. In version 2.0, it can also handle GPUs and offers advanced tracking features.

Byobu, a session manager for the command line

LINUXUSER: Window Fitter

The sys admin’s daily grind: QPS

SYSADMIN: Process Monitor

Unified Event Monitoring with Splunk


Secure your enterprise, monitor system performance, and more by harnessing the power of Splunk to search, monitor, report, and analyze events and data from any source.

Intrusion Detection with fail2ban


For its size, fail2ban, a utility that scans logfiles and bans suspicious IP addresses, punches well above its weight.

The sys admin’s daily grind – Pktstat

SYSADMIN: Traffic Spotting

The sys admin’s daily grind: PortSentry

SYSADMIN: Ten Years After

The sys admin’s daily grind: E-Log

SYSADMIN: More Watt?!

Keep an Eye on Your Server with phpSysInfo

Productivity Sauce


Logging and processing logs from Windows 7


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