Desktop News and Articles

Useful and Innovative Free Fonts

Open Source Fonts


If you are looking for a replacement for a proprietary font, open source fonts offer plenty of options.

Sort and organize media files with Mediapurge

IN-DEPTH: Distribution Point free

A command-line search tool for AppImage, Flatpak, and Snap

LINUX VOICE: Rich Harvest free

Animate drawings with Pencil2D

LINUX VOICE: Tutorial – Pencil2D free

Configuring Bluetooth on Linux

The Bluetooth Blues


Getting Bluetooth and PulseAudio to play nicely takes a little work. Bruce walks you through the basics of getting Bluetooth up and running on Linux.

Exploring the Sayonara audio player

REVIEWS: Easy Listening free

Managing your tasks at the command line with TaskBook

LINUX VOICE: Taskmaster free

DIY photography tools

LINUX VOICE: Follow the Script free

Streaming services on LibreELEC 9.0 with Kodi 18.0

NEWS: Popcorn Cinema free

Bookkeeping the FOSS way

LINUX VOICE: Smart Money free

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