Tools News and Articles

Monitor logfiles in multiple windows with MultiTail

LINUXUSER: Supercharged free

Manage collections of different types with GCstar

LINUXUSER: Collector's Item free

The sys admin's daily grind: Miniflux

FEATURES: Bookworm free

Nifty app offers expanded access to terminal history

FEATURES: Reusing Previous Commands with the Bash History Suggest Box free

Big Data search engine for full-text strings and photos with radius search

FEATURES: Elastic Hits free

Three tools for online surveys

FEATURES: Opinions Count free


LINUXUSER: DIY Text Expander free

Creating a multiboot USB stick with MultiBootUSB and MultiSystem

FEATURES: Multiple Choice free

Data Rescue



Armed only with standard Linux tools, users can recover files, resurrect partitions, and rescue damaged media.

Organize and access data with Piggydb

LINUXUSER: Personal Knowledge free

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