• Smart Assistant

    eBPF offers a powerful remedy for the complexity of Kubernetes, but it can be difficult to configure and manage. Cilium provides easy access to eBPF's revolutionary capabilities.

  • Programming Snapshot – Go WiFi Monitor

    To see when clients are joining and leaving the wireless network, Mike Schilli writes a command-line utility that uses an object-relational mapping interface to store metrics in SQLite to later display historical data.

  • Out in Space

    The Raspberry Pi Zero is a frugal little computer. But without a power socket, you might be surprised how quickly it can drain a battery. Active power management is the order of the day.

  • Nothing Here

    Intruders and spies have ways of concealing information in image files, doc files, and other innocuous locations. Welcome to the sneaky art of steganography.

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Issue 287/2024

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