Using Atom packages

Package Syncing Made Easy

Finding and installing all the packages you need requires time and effort, so you wouldn't want to go through this process every time you install or reinstall Atom. Package Sync [16] provides the simplest solution to the problem. Install the package, and run the Packages | Package Sync | Create Package List command. This generates a list of all installed packages and saves it in the ~/.atom/packages.json file.

Next time you need to install or reinstall the packages, place the generated packages.json file into the ~/.atom directory, install Package Sync, and run Packages | Package Sync | Sync.

Managing Packages in Atom

The Install section of the Settings interface makes it possible to find, install, and manage packages directly from within Atom. Use the search field to find packages matching a specific name, then hit the Install button next to the desired package to install it. To manage installed packages, switch to the Packages section. Here, you can configure, disable, and uninstall any package using the appropriate buttons next to it.

The Author

Dmitri Popov has been writing exclusively about Linux and open source software for many years, and his articles have appeared in Danish, British, US, German, Spanish, and Russian magazines and websites. Dmitri is an amateur photographer, and he writes about open source photography tools on his Scribbles and Snaps blog at

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