Sep 26, 2007
Sabayon is a Gentoo-based Linux distribution that focuses on the user. The philosophy of the Sabayon project is base......
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Sep 26, 2007
Logs I was wondering if you could do a series of articles on system logs, network logs, etc. What I am thinking a......
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KDE 4 Preview of KDE 4.0

Sep 26, 2007

The first KDE 4 beta release gives users a sneak preview of the many innovations the next K Desktop generation will introduce.

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Concern at Red Hat: New Marketing Boss – Poorer Rating

Sep 25, 2007

Linux distributor Red Hat has promoted its previous Boss of Red Hat China, Michael Chen, to Vice President Enterprise Marketing. Chen will be assuming responsibility for global branding and enterprise communications.

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Dynebolic 2.5: Multimedia Distribution with Privacy Enhancement

Sep 24, 2007

The Dynebolic distribution project specifically caters for multimedia and creativity needs. One new features offered by the latest version 2.5 is support for Firewire audio cards. ntfs-3g now supports write operations on Windows partitions.

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DKMS: Dell Improves Driver Installation

Sep 24, 2007

Version DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support), a framework that facilitates the installation of Linux drivers, has just been released. Besides bugfixes the new release includes a method for creating Debian driver packages.

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X/OS Linux 5.0 – Almost RHEL5

Sep 21, 2007

Two in one: the RHEL clone, X/OS Linux, combines the server and client variants of Suse Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Version 5.0 has just been released.

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Ready for Testing by Users: RC 1 for OpenSuse 10.3

Sep 21, 2007

The first Release Candidate of the free Suse distribution 10.3 has everything the final release will have, and it's stable says the Suse Team. Time for a trial run.

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