TeXmacs – A convenient layout program for your text documents


Article from Issue 78/2007

If you need to lay out a text document, you can opt for a WYSIWYG application, like OpenOffice, or a genuine layout system such as TeX. TeXmacs combines the advantages of both approaches: premium document quality and intuitive controls.

Text-based document markup systems such as LaTeX play a leading role in creating premium-quality scientific documents. LaTeX, which is based on the TeX typesetting program, lets the author focus on the content without having to worry about the layout. However, learning the layout language involves a considerable learning curve.

At the opposite end of the typesetting scale are graphics-based WYSIWYG editors, such as OpenOffice. The WYSIWYG interface makes common functions like type formatting, table layouts, or image placement much more easily accessible. However, features such as the typeface quality are typically inferior to the alternatives that are produced by a tool such as LaTeX.

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