Bringing Up Clouds

Defining Settings

Now, the last missing bit is how you define settings that are specific to the instance, and that's where things start to get really interesting.

Cloud-init implements a data source concept that provides an abstraction for the data, which comes from the cloud content management system (CMS), such as OpenStack. Hostname, locale, or SSH keys are all valid examples. Moreover, a data source provides so-called user data and vendor data. For cloud-init to consume user data, it must come as a MIME multipart archive, which is the same format you use when sending email messages with attachments. Each part (or file) has an associated Content-type header and also begins with a signature: #something; cloud-init uses this information to decide how to handle the particular part.

User data is typically no more than 16KB. To overcome this limitation, the #include file can list additional URLs, one per line. They are retrieved and treated as if their contents were a part of the original user data. To make things even more compact, you can use Gzip compression. The #cloud-config file is in essence an /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg snippet embedded in user data. A few other types are supported out of the box, such as raw shell scripts, and it's possible to define your own content types and their respective handlers. See the Formats section on the cloud-init documentation page [3] for details.

Cloud-init comes with a variety of data source modules and enables most of them by default. You can redefine this via the datasource key in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg. This makes sense, because you typically know which data sources are available in your cloud. Some data sources need network access, and some don't. When started, cloud-init probes enabled data sources one by one, and the first one that replies wins.

Perhaps the simplest data source is the OpenStack configuration drive, ConfigDrive. It's a tiny disk image (ISO 9660, or VFAT in earlier versions), and it is employed sometimes to provide networking settings. Cloud-init can then apply these settings and use a full-fledged data source, such as EC2 metadata, to do the rest of the configuration. In theory, ConfigDrive can provide you with all of the metadata, but a dedicated metadata service would work better.

What's metadata, you ask? It's data that describes the running VM instance. Typically, it's encoded in JSON and comes from an HTTP service listening on a link-local address (e.g., In reality, this server is just a proxy that forwards requests to the CMS. The exact API is, of course, cloud-specific, but perhaps the two most popular are EC2 metadata [9] and OpenStack metadata, which is an extension to EC2. Listing 2 shows the anatomy of the latter.

Listing 2

Sample OpenStack Metadata (Abbreviated)


The name assigned to this VM is hostname. The set_hostname module uses this bit of data to apply the setting in a distro-specific way. The ssh module installs public_keys, the SSH keys for the default user, and random_seed is a 512-byte base64-encoded blob of random data that usually comes from the host's /dev/urandom and serves as an external entropy supply to the VM. All VM instances start off of the same image and perform roughly the same initialization steps, so their kernels end up with similar entropy pools. This could be a security breach, as random numbers are often seen in cryptography, and they should be, well, random, not the same as on your neighbor's VM. Moreover, because VMs typically do not have so much hardware from which to collect the noise, their pools are easily exhausted, making tasks such as SSH key generation hang. The seed_random module is here to plug into these holes.

Command of the Month: ec2-metadata

While it's trivial to query cloud metadata with curl, it is certainly not the most convenient way. You get raw unformatted JSON that you feed to Python to make it barely readable; then, you look up the reference documentation to learn the meaning of all of the fields.

If you are on AWS or another cloud that serves EC2-compatible metadata, there is a better way. ec2-metadata is a command-line tool that you can use to query metadata in scripts or interactive sessions. It supports Linux and runs on top of curl, so make sure you have the latter installed.

To begin, download ec2-metadata from Amazon S3:

curl -o ec2-metadata

Next, make it executable (it's a Bash script), and type

./ec2-metadata --help

to see the options available. Note this won't work if EC2 metadata is unavailable, even if displaying the help page doesn't require metadata access. ec2-metadata dumps all information by default, but you can narrow down the output using one of the command-line switches. For example,

./ec2-metadata --public-keys --public-ipv4

lists public keys and the IPv4 address assigned to the instance (Figure 4).

Figure 4: The ec2_metadata tool is really just a wrapper over curl, yet it makes our lives easier.

To retrieve user data, enter

./ec2-metadata --user-data
user-data: Hello, EC2 user data!

(see also Figure 5).

Figure 5: To provide custom user data for the EC2 instance, go to the Advanced Details section.

Note that it doesn't have to be anything related to the cloud-init multipart data format. Although the instance metadata is not what you are interested in most of the time, tools such as ec2-metadata could aid troubleshooting in cases when cloud-init fails to initialize the instance properly – for whatever reason.

The Author

Valentine Sinitsyn works on a cloud infrastructure team and teaches students completely unrelated subjects. He also has a KDE Developer account he's never really used.

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