Developing Tiny Core Linux extensions


Tiny Core extensions have a simpler structure than Debian packages, but they accomplish their task. These extensions allow you to load custom software into a Live operating system without wasting RAM or time.

Creating your own extension is easier than it seems. It is worth the effort if only for the experience of being a repository package maintainer. I found that generating an extension is very similar to creating a Slackware package. Despite the formatting differences, the process is pretty much the same: Compile or place the program into a folder and then encapsulate that directory. The biggest difference is the way install scripts are managed.

If you are interested in contributing to the official repository, sign up at the Tiny Core Linux forum [7]. The Tiny Core Linux community keeps a database of build scripts you can consult if you want to see how other users are creating their extensions. To see some of my extensions (official and unofficial), visit the Software directory of my Gopher server [8].

Submissions to the Tiny Core Linux repository are welcome at

What Is Squashfs?

Squashfs is a read-only, compressed filesystem. Files are added to it upon filesystem creation, and its contents cannot be modified while the filesystem is mounted and in use.

Squashfs is a popular tool for Live operating systems, which are usually stored on read-only media (such as DVDs) or devices whose lifespan is reduced by write operations (USB pen drives). For example, Porteus packages, called modules, are compressed Squashfs filesystem images, as are SLAX modules.

The Author

Rubén Llorente is a mechanical engineer, whose job is to ensure that the security measures of the IT infrastructure of a small clinic are both law compliant and safe. In addition, he is an OpenBSD enthusiast and a weapons collector.

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