Customizing the WTF dashboard tool

Programming Snapshot – Terminal Dashboard

© Lead Image © bowie15,

© Lead Image © bowie15,

Article from Issue 266/2023

Using extensions in Go and Ruby, Mike Schilli adapts the WTF terminal dashboard tool to meet his personal needs.

I actually wanted to write a terminal user interface (UI) for this issue that would show me important data relating to the system status and world events using widgets. But what a shock when I saw online that there is already an open source tool named WTF [1] (or wtfutil, as it was originally called) that has been able to do all this for a long time. Written in Go, WTF can be easily extended with new widgets. Huzzah, I'll just jump on the WTF bandwagon this time!

To talk the terminal dashboard WTF into filling its tiles with various widgets, as shown in Figure 1, you first need to drop the compiled wtfutil Go program into a bin directory as wtf and configure a YAML file with the individual WTF modules in the various tiles. When done, call wtf on the command line to marvel at the tiles freshly filled with content in your terminal.

Figure 1: A fully configured installation of the WTF terminal dashboard (Source: GitHub). © Chris Cummer,

You'll find installation instructions for the tool on a wide variety of operating systems on GitHub, but ultimately all that is needed on Linux is a git clone of the repository followed by make build in the newly created subdirectory. Then, watch the Go compiler fetch all the dependent libraries from GitHub and bundle the whole thing into a binary in bin/wtfutil/ (Figure 2).

Figure 2: A make build retrieves half of GitHub as source code.

By the way, if you think go build would be a good idea, you will find out that you are wrong shortly before the end of the compilation, because go build instructs Go to store the resulting binary in a file named wtf – but there is already a directory of that name in the repository, and alarm bells go off instead. The makefile, on the other hand, ensures that the generated binary is named wtfutil and ends up in the bin/ directory without any collisions.

Tool Belt at the Ready

WTF already comes with a well-filled tool belt of predefined widgets that only need to be activated if required. For example, I quite liked the ipinfo widget because my computer's official IP address frequently changes due to all kinds of VPN configurations. It is helpful to know what the Internet services I am using are thinking in terms of my geographic location.

The YAML configuration from Listing 1 drops the ipinfo module onto the dashboard. The settings enable WTF's internally-defined ipinfo module. For the widget to land in the top left corner of the terminal, the mods section sets the row and column indexes to  , with a widget height and width of 1.

The sizes and positions of tiles in WTF are determined by the global tile width and height in the grid section, which is measured in terminal characters. A widget's position is then set by reference to the offset of a tile in the horizontal (left to right) and the vertical (top to bottom) position. For example, if you initially divided the terminal into four columns and two rows, top=0 left=0 addresses the top left tile and top=1 left=3 addresses the bottom right tile. Tiles can occupy more space than just a column or row, depending on their individual width and height settings, defining multiples of the base unit.

Figure 3 shows the terminal after invoking WTF with the ~/.config/wtf/config.yml configuration file from Listing 1. Just as the doctor ordered: The upper left tile shows my current IPv4 address and the geolocation in my adopted hometown, San Francisco. A nice, useful standard widget – but now it's time to expand WTF with my creations.

Listing 1


    background: black
      focusable: darkslateblue
      focused: orange
      normal: gray
    columns: [32, 32, 32]
    rows: [10, 10, 10]
  refreshInterval: 1
        name: "lightblue"
        value: "white"
      enabled: true
        top: 0
        left: 0
        height: 1
        width: 1
      refreshInterval: 150
Figure 3: The standard ipinfo module displays the geolocation of the current WAN IP.

Script One, Two, Three

Next up is a widget that measures the speed at which my Internet provider moves data in and out over my home line. Precisely measuring the available bandwidth in both directions in megabits per second (Mbps) is no trivial task, but luckily there's already a tool for that on GitHub, called p0d [2]. p0d is written in Go, and the repo can simply be cloned and compiled from source. Following the go install command gleaned from the readme, the p0d binary lands in the local Go path below ~/go/bin/p0d after a while. You can convert this to an executable path for later use.

Called at the command line, p0d clutters the terminal with ASCII art and wildly incrementing counters (Figure 4). I don't want that in my widget, so the wrapper script from Listing 2, written in Ruby, calls p0d but intercepts the output and focuses only on the JSON file created (thanks to the -O option), which contains some key data with the results from the bandwidth measurement.

Listing 2


01 #!/usr/bin/ruby
02 require 'open3'
03 require 'tempfile'
04 require 'json'
05 out ='p0d')
06 stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr =
07     Open3.popen3("p0d", "-d", "3", "-O", out.path, "")
08 stdin.close
09 if wait_thr.value.exitstatus != 0
10     puts
11     exit
12 end
13 out.rewind
14 data = JSON.parse(
15 printf("Internet Speed:\n");
16 os = data[0]["OS"]
17 printf("Download: %d mbits/sec\n", os['InetDlSpeedMBits'].to_i);
18 printf("Upload:   %d mbits/sec\n", os['InetUlSpeedMBits'].to_i);
Figure 4: Called from the command line, p0d quickly fills the terminal with output.

The shortest configurable runtime for p0d seems to be three seconds; by default, it goes on for 10 seconds. This is why line 7 of Listing 2 sets a value of 3 in the third parameter to the call for Ruby's external command executor popen3() from the Open3 package. The JSON data is output to the temporary file previously created in line 5.

After error checking, the Ruby script then rewinds the generated Tempfile to the beginning in line 13, and the JSON parser uses parse() to parse the data starting in line 14. The first sub-array (index  ) below the OS key contains the two Mbps values I'm looking for, representing the upload and download speeds. They are returned by p0d as floating-point numbers with a nonsensical number of decimal places in the keys InetUlSpeedMBits and InetDlSpeedMBits. Ruby's to_i() string-to-integer converter rounds these values meaningfully to the nearest integer (lines 17 and 18).

The settings in Listing 3 add the wrapped tool to the WTF configuration as a widget in config.yml. Because WTF does not inherently support p0d, the type: "cmdrunner" directive specifies that the widget expects a command-line argument with parameters, which it then executes. The widget collects the standard output and copies it onto the tile on the dashboard. Figure 5 shows the new widget in action, below the IP widget that I described earlier. The dashboard now has two useful dials, but there is enough space for a few more, so what's next?

Listing 3

p0d Widget Definition

  args: [""]
  cmd: "p0d-runner"
    name: "lightblue"
    value: "white"
  enabled: true
    top: 1
    left: 0
    height: 1
    width: 1
  refreshInterval: 600
  type: "cmdrunner"
Figure 5: With the Internet speedometer, the dashboard now has two widgets.


Widgets on the WTF dashboard can do more than just display dynamically retrieved data line-by-line. They also offer power users the ability to select lines from the window contents and run actions on the active line.

The custom widget on the right in Figure 6 is an example of this. It retrieves a list of the latest issues of the "Programming Snapshot" column you're reading right now. It fetches them from the world-famous portal and displays their titles and publication dates. If you select one of the columns in this widget, it even launches a web browser to show you this specific issue from the Linux Magazine website. Let's look behind the scenes at this magic.

Figure 6: A third window displays the latest "Programming Snapshot" columns.

To interact with a particular widget as a WTF user, such as in the terminal UI in Figure 6, type the digit displayed next to the header (2 for the custom widget in this case). This tells the UI to focus on the selected widget. Pressing K and J subsequently moves the selection (highlighted in green) up and down within the selected widget, just like in the vi editor. Hidden away in the depths of the extension's Go code, each entry has a URL associated with it. When you press the Enter key, the widget fires up a web browser and loads the selected item from the web (Figure 7).

Figure 7: Items selected in the list are opened in the web browser.

WTF does not support advanced features like this out of the box, but you can help it out with some Go code. To do this, you need to clone WTF's GitHub repository and modify the code. Then recompile with make build to make new widgets available, such as the snapshot widget created in Listings 5 through 8. The new binary then supports the snapshot widget type, which you can include in the YAML configuration as shown in Listing 4.

Listing 4

Snapshot Configuration

  enabled: true
      even: "black"
      odd: "black"
    top: 0
    left: 1
    height: 2
    width: 2
  refreshInterval: 86400

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