dhcp.io: Dynamic DNS Service

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Jul 22, 2014 GMT
Dmitri Popov

DynDNS's recent decision to cancel its free plan sent many users scrambling to find alternatives to this popular dynamic DNS service. Fortunately, there are plenty of options to choose from, including the newly-launched dhcp.io service. Being free is only one of dhcp.io's many attractions. The service lets you control up to five hostnames, and you don't even need to provide your email address. The best part, however, is the fact that dhcpi.io relies on the good old curl tool to update IP addresses. When you add a hostname, the service conveniently generates a command that updates the value of the hostname. So all you need to do is to install curl (it's available in the software repositories of practically all mainstream Linux distributions) on your machine and run the provided command. It's also possible to create a cron job to run the command at the specified intervals. dhcp.io's source code is available at GitHub, so you can deploy the service on your own server. Keep in mind, though, that installing and configuring a self-hosted dhcp.io instance is not exactly trivial.

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