
Domains Gone Astray

Preventing DNS subdomain hijacking

Jan 04, 2024

Attackers can use poorly maintained DNS records to gain access to your IP address. The open source DNS Reaper lets you monitor your records to ward off attacks.

Get Organized

Scheduling tools for Linux

Jan 04, 2024

If you need help staying organized, Linux does not let you down with its large collection of organization and scheduling tools.

Snake Charmer

Using Python in the browser

Nov 28, 2023

PyScript lets you use your favorite Python libraries on client-side web pages.

ELevate to the Future

Migrating from CentOS 7

Feb 24, 2024

CentOS 7 reaches end of life in June 2024, forcing users to look for a free enterprise Linux alternative. AlmaLinux's ELevate migration tool can help ease the transition.

Keyboardio: Waiting for Chrysalis

A Graphical Interface for Customizing Keyboard Layouts

Mar 05, 2024

How is the popular keyboard manufacturer's graphical installer after nine years in development?


Bonding your network adapters for better performance

Nov 28, 2023

Combining your network adapters can speed up network performance – but a little more testing could lead to better choices.

Keyboard Eavesdropping

An introduction to acoustic keyloggers

Nov 28, 2023

Is someone listening in on your typing? Learn more about how acoustic keyloggers work.

What's the Name?

Secure name resolution with DNS-over-TLS

Oct 30, 2023

Ordinary DNS sends queries in plaintext. If you're looking for something safer, dial up the privacy with DNS-over-TLS.

A More Modern Man Page

Explainshell – A New Use for Man Pages

Feb 06, 2024

Explainshell aims to make documentation more accessible.

Number Game

Getting started with the R data analysis language

Nov 28, 2023

The R programming language is a universal tool for data analysis and machine learning.

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