Desktop News and Articles

The Raspberry Pi as a media center

COVER STORIES: Smart Raspberry free

It’s time to take XML out back and shoot it


The sys admin’s daily grind: Dstat

SYSADMIN: More Stats

Control LibreOffice Presentations with an Android Device

Productivity Sauce


Documenting the OpenDocument Format

An Interview with Jean Hollis Weber


We talk with Jean Hollis Weber, a volunteer with ODFAuthors, the LibreOffice Documentation team, and the Friends of OpenDocument Inc.

The sys admin’s daily grind: SendmailAnalyzer

SYSADMIN: Troop Visit

A Linux home entertainment server with UPnP and DLNA

KNOW-HOW: In Full Stream

Useful applications and tricks

LINUXUSER: Indispensable

NEWS: News

Rethinking the Office Suite

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog

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