Cross-browser Internet applications with OpenLaszlo


Article from Issue 78/2007

Long before Ajax hit the scene, Flash gave developers a basis for designing interactive web content. The OpenLaszlo framework, with its easy-to-learn command syntax, is the foundation on which many Flash applications build.

Flash does not have many friends among the open standard lobby on the Internet. This said, if you have no objection to using the closedsource Flashplayer, the OpenLaszlo framework offers a powerful, easy-to-use platform for interactive Internet applications with sophisticated graphics. OpenLaszlo creates Flash bytecode based on an XML language that uses HTML-style tags for interface design and plain Javascript for the client-side application logic. Flashplayer 7 for Linux (which has been around for a while) is all you need to run the applications without restrictions.

The early preview of OpenLaszlo version 4 can convert applications to Ajax code, and thus do without proprietary technology. However, this does not work for the full feature set, and thus far, only Firefox/ Mozilla and Internet Explorer 6 have been able to render OpenLaszlo DHMTL applications reliably.

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