Fast and reliable programs with OCaml

Type Checking

When trying the new ask function,

let () =
  match ask "Automatic?" with
  | `yes -> automatic ()
  | `no -> manual ()

OCaml immediately spots a potential problem:

Error: This pattern matches values of type
[< `no | `yes ]
but a pattern was expected which matches values of type
[> `abort | `no | `yes ]
The first variant type does not allow tag(s) `abort

I haven't manually specified any types, but OCaml has inferred a type for ask automatically: It may return `abort, `no, or `yes. If you try to match on the result, OCaml complains that you don't handle one of the possible responses. Instead of adding the missing third case to the match block, I'll look at another useful feature (Listing 2).

Listing 2

yes_no Function


The yes_no function asks for a response using ask. If the response is `yes or `no, it is returned, but `abort exits the program. OCaml automatically infers that yes_no may return only `yes or `no. This ability to handle subsets (and supersets) of variant types, verified statically at compile time, can be very useful.

Running OCaml Code

OCaml comes with an interpreter, which can be used to run code directly and provides an interactive top level, as well as compilers for bytecode and native code. To run an example in this article, save it to a file (e.g., and run:


The easiest way to compile OCaml code is to use the ocamlbuild command by placing the source file (e.g., in a new directory and running:

ocamlbuild prog.native

to build a native binary. It's also a good idea to enable all warnings, which you can do by adding a file called _tags (note the leading underscore) containing:

true: warn(A), strict_sequence

The true means that this applies to all files in the project; warn(A) turns on all compiler warnings, and strict_sequence requires that the result of every expression (unless unit) be used.

Each .ml file you create is a separate OCaml module, and you can refer to something in another module using the notation Module.function. Note that module names are always capitalized in the source, even though the file name is lower case!

If your main file depends on other modules in the source directory, ocamlbuild will (re)build them automatically as needed.

As your program gets larger, OCaml's support for packages, classes, modules, immutable structures, and abstract types will help keep your code maintainable.


OCaml packages are most easily installed using OPAM [2]. For example, to get the lablgtk GTK bindings, enter:

$ opam install lablgtk

and edit your _tags file to make your project depend on it by adding


to the list of tags on the first line.

When using packages, you will need to build with the following:

ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind

because, for historical reasons, support for packages is turned off by default in ocamlbuild.

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