Gnome 2.23.5: Test Version with New Features

Jul 28, 2008

Version 2.23.5 of the Gnome Linux desktop gives a preview of version 2.24, which is scheduled for release in September.

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Miguel de Icaza Criticizes Plans for Gtk+ 3

Jul 17, 2008

At first, plans for Gtk+ 3 were considered unnecessary – the developers themselves considered the 2.x version mature enough – now, some developers are toying with the idea of developing Gtk+ 3. Gnome founder Miguel de Icaza comments on and criticizes the developments in his blog.

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Joint KDE/GNOME Conference and Eleven Myths about KDE 4

Jul 16, 2008

KDE e.V. and the GNOME Foundation will be holding their annual Akademy and GUADEC conferences jointly next year in Gran Canaria.

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Gnome and Gtk+ Moving Towards Version 3.0

Jul 12, 2008

The developers of the Gnome desktop environment have denied the necessity of Gnome version 3.0, but now things are happening. Initial plans for a 3.0 release were revealed at the Gnome developer conference, Guadec, along with details of Gtk+ 3.0.

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Mozilla Lightning Mozilla Thunderbird calendar add-on

May 31, 2008

The Lightning add-on lets users upgrade their Mozilla Thunderbird email client and turn it into a convenient, versatile groupware product.

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Gnome 2.22 Gnome 2.22 overview

May 23, 2008

The new Gnome appeared in March and includes improvements for both users and developers. We'll tell you about network-transparent filesystem access, improved usability, and new programs in the latest Gnome.

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May 22, 2008
This year marks the 10th anniversary of Mandriva Linux, a classic distro known for easy installation and a sophistic......
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KDE Rallies Bug Hunters

May 16, 2008

Sunday is the 4th KDE Bug Day with the focus on finding errors in Konqueror.

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