Exploring the Min web browser

For Developers

Min's role as a browser for developers is evident from menu options such as Developer | Inspect Page, which opens a tool in a separate window that lets you to examine the website code and check it for errors (Figure 5). If you hover the mouse cursor over individual snippets of code, the program highlights the corresponding areas on the website.

Figure 5: The Inspect Page option lets users inspect sites in depth.

Refresh the browser after changing the source code of the page by selecting Developer | Reload.


Min is quite fast and quite suitable for everyday use. After a short learning curve, work with the software is a pleasant experience, although the unusual implementation of tabs and the address bar diminishes the experience. Moreover, it takes some time to get used to the absence of bookmarks. On the other hand, Min is on par with its competitors in the field of multimedia.

The lack of support for Flash may be viewed as a shortcoming, but it is less of a problem in the face of Flash's imminent extinction. More problematic is that there is no way to sync the browsing history across multiple devices, and the lack of a plugin interface could also affect Min's chances of making a major breakthrough.

The Help | Take a Tour option is good way of getting used to Min. The tour reveals some features that you might not be familiar with from other browsers. For example, you can group tabs dynamically to form "Tasks." The menu icon in the top right displays the open tasks, and the plus icon creates new tasks. You can assign tasks to a tab using drag and drop.

As of now, the Min browser really only works with English. We could not find a way to switch the browser interface to any other language. Although files for different languages exist, the menu does not have a matching entry to help users change the language.

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