
HTML5 Offline

Offline-capable applications with HTML5

Feb 08, 2013

An offline cache in your browser and a bit of HTML5 acrobatics combine for interactive web applications that keep working even when the Internet connection breaks down.

Potlatch 2: OpenStreetMap Editor

Fast Mapping: Editing OpenStreetMap with Potlatch 2

Feb 08, 2013

If you need a tool to make minor modifications in OpenStreetMap, Potlatch 2 is a useful choice as a fast and easy-to-use editor.

Bitcoin Basics

Bitcoin Digital Currency

Jan 29, 2013

Bitcoin is a decentralized virtual currency, popular with hackers and the open source community. We’ll explain how the money is created and how it works.

Meet Raspberry Pi's Eben Upton

Meeting the Baker

Jan 29, 2013

After six years of development, founder Eben Upton and the other members of the Raspberry Pi Foundation are finally seeing the results of their efforts.

Exploring Red Hat’s Flavor Enhancer


Jan 15, 2013

Red Hat peps up performance of multimedia applications on remote desktops with SPICE (Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments).

Avoiding Eye Strain

Color Temperature Tools

Dec 28, 2012

Do you have problems getting to sleep after a late night computer session? Does the monitor brightness hurt your eyes? Several Linux tools are available that could help with these problems.

Discovering the New Gnome

Gnome starts to reinvent itself, cautiously

Dec 28, 2012

The last few years have been troubled for the Gnome Project. Once a premier desktop environment for Linux, it has seen its market share diminish amid user dissatisfaction over Gnome 3 and accusations that the project was ignoring users. Yet, over the last six months, something important has been happening: Slowly and quietly, the members of Gnome have started trying to turn the situation around.

IPv6 Penetration Testing

Pen testing on IPv6 networks: In Through the Back Door

Dec 17, 2012

If you have enabled IPv6 on your network without considering basic security issues, you might have opened up a hole for attackers. In this article, we demonstrate a successful attack on a server via IPv6 and explain how the popular security tools handle IPv6.

Tune Your Hard Disk with hdparm

Disk Inspector: Retrieving and setting hard drive parameters with hdparm

Dec 16, 2012

Hdparm is the tool to use when it comes to tuning your hard disk or DVD drive, but it can also measure read speed, deliver valuable information about the device, change important drive settings, and even erase SSDs securely.

OpenSSL with Bash

Using the OpenSSL toolkit with Bash

Dec 04, 2012

Cryptography is an important part of IT security, and OpenSSL is a well-known cryptography toolkit for Linux. Experts depend on OpenSSL because it is free, it has huge capabilities, and it’s easy to use in Bash scripts.

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