
Unified Event Monitoring with Splunk

May 22, 2012

Secure your enterprise, monitor system performance, and more by harnessing the power of Splunk to search, monitor, report, and analyze events and data from any source.

Intrusion Detection with fail2ban

May 22, 2012

For its size, fail2ban, a utility that scans logfiles and bans suspicious IP addresses, punches well above its weight.

Getting Started with Analytics

Data Analytics for the Newbie

May 03, 2012

The huge emphasis on data and data analytics in the business world and the IT job market might have you thinking about brushing up on your database skills. And what better platform than Linux to obtain powerful and free tools to flex and train your data muscles?


Using the mobile Internet

May 03, 2012

Thanks to the modems built into today’s smartphones and tablets, you can use fast mobile Internet from almost anywhere. The mobile devices can also get your laptop online.

Calligra: The Other Office Suite Narrows the Gap

Apr 23, 2012

On April 11, Calligra Suite announced its first release, version 2.4. This release takes Calligra several steps closer to being an alternative to LibreOffice, especially in its graphical applications.

Bash Tips: Debugging and Configuration

Apr 19, 2012

Even tried and trusted configurations that have proved their value through the years can be tripped up by special cases – for example, all of your users logging in with the same IP address. Experienced administrators and Bash aficionados will then enable debugging and launch a systematic search for configuration errors.

Protect your Documents with GPG


Apr 09, 2012

You may have already tried PGP/GPG public key encryption for documents or mail, but do you know what’s going on under the hood and what level of security you’re actually getting? We take an in-depth look at GnuPG encryption.

NoOps: Divining the Future of the Network

The Rise of the Developer

Apr 09, 2012

Mention NoOps and you’re sure to start an argument. But terminology aside, this is a coming trend to which ITs should pay attention.

Bash Tips: Passing Passwords

Mar 26, 2012

Bash offers any number of simplifications, especially when it comes to pesky individual steps in installation routines for larger software packages. Some caution is advisable, though, if you need to handle database and application passwords, which can easily be compromised.

Install Your Own Git Server

Git Server

Mar 25, 2012

Linus Torvalds’s Git more or less conquered the version management scene overnight. For collaboration in a team, you can easily set up your own Git server to store your repositories. We describe two approaches in this article.

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