Linux Professional Institute

Android Admin Tools

Linux Remote Administration on Android and iOS


Smartphones and tablets have lost their gadget status and become part of the system administrator’s tool kit. We look at the most important apps for admins.

Mobiwiki: Simple Mobile-Friendly Wiki

Productivity Sauce


WLAN security

KNOW-HOW: Tracing free

Setting up Raspberry Pi as a DHCP, NTP, and DNS server

KNOW-HOW: Little Service free

Locking down KDE with Kiosk

LINUXUSER: Lock Down free

The sys admin's daily grind: Backup2l

SYSADMIN: I'll Be Back free

Data backup in the cloud with Duplicati

KNOW-HOW: Secure Cloud free

Fixing Disks with Parted Magic

Disk Aid


It’s really annoying when a disk suddenly dies on you or a typo in a command deletes important data. The free Parted Magic Live distro offers help.

Cloud Backup with Duplicity

Data Safe


If you’re looking for a secure and portable backup technique, try combining the trusty command-line utility Duplicity with an available cloud account.

Push Tabs with Firefox Sync

Productivity Sauce

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