Operating Systems News and Articles

Windows 8 with VMware and VirtualBox

COVER STORIES: Visiting Friends

Advanced file management

LINUXUSER: Beyond the Basics


This month's DVD

SERVICE: Gnome Ubuntu Remix 12.10 and Linux Mint 13 KDE

XtreemFS 1.4 Announced


GNOME Proves It Can Listen

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


Filesystems Benchmarked

Linux Filesystem Performance Tests


Choosing the right filesystem for a particular job can be a difficult task. We tested seven candidates and found some interesting results to make an administrator’s choice easier.

Rescue Me


When I was thinking about ways you could rescue your system with Linux, the thought occurred to me: Why not rescue your life? Because that’s what Linux can do for you.

Oracle Introduces RedPatch


Linaro Enterprise Group Formed


Issue #145

SERVICE: Knoppix 7.0.4

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