Gold in Them Thar Patients

Gold in Them Thar Patients

Article from Issue 201/2017

Drying the tears of WannaCry

Another month, another catastrophic computer hack. WannaCry, the ransomware that has cost at least £100m in canceled UK National Health Service (NHS) operations, brought the world of Ye Olde Windows XP machines to its knees, to the bafflement of many and consternation of all.

The advice given by the authorities was the same as always: Update Windows, upgrade to Windows 10 if you haven't already, and don't download any dodgy email attachments. Most media types use Macs, so the accompanying image to illustrate these stories was most often a shiny new MacBook; hardly the most likely machine to become infected with a virus written to exploit holes in Windows.

The preceding two paragraphs could have been written at any time in the last 10 years and will all too predictably be recycled in some form on many occasions over the next 10 years. But things are changing.


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