
Nothing Here

Concealing secrets in plain sight

Sep 05, 2024

Intruders and spies have ways of concealing information in image files, doc files, and other innocuous locations. Welcome to the sneaky art of steganography.

Linguist: A Statistical Extension for LibreOffice Writer

Text File Statistics

Oct 08, 2024

Linguist offers writers interesting, valuable data to help them make the best of their words.

Foreign Language Skills

Offline text translation with Firefox

Jul 28, 2024

While all popular web browsers offer an online translation function, Mozilla Firefox lets you translate your texts offline while protecting your privacy.


Techniques for digital forensics and incident response

Jul 28, 2024

When it's too late to stop an attack, the next urgent task is to find out what happened and assess the damage.

Plain Numbers

Tracking your finances with plain text accounting

Jul 04, 2024

If you're tired of tinkering with spreadsheets, using hledger and plain text accounting offers a simpler method for managing your finances without vendor lock-in.

Traveling Lite

Cryptomining with Litecoin

Jul 04, 2024

Although not as popular as headliners like Bitcoin and Ethereum, Litecoin is one of the oldest cryptocurrencies, and it offers some useful features, such as dual-mining with Dogecoin.

A Post-Open World

What’s Next After FOSS?

Sep 03, 2024

Have FOSS licenses outlived their usefulness? Bruce looks at what might come next in the world of free and open source software.

Power Saver

Using Wake-on-LAN for a NAS backup

Jul 04, 2024

Put your backup server to sleep when you don't need it and then wake it on demand using the Wake-on-LAN feature built into network adapters.

Open Source Store

Setting up an e-commerce system

Jun 01, 2024

Thirty bees offers a feature rich, open source e-commerce solution for setting up your online store.

Secure Commitment

Using Git hooks to check your commit code

Jun 01, 2024

The pre-commit framework lets you automatically manage and maintain your Git hook scripts to deliver better Git commits.

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