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Article from Issue 227/2019
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As one who has been watching Linux for a long time, I'm saddened to mark the end of Linux Journal, which was just announced this week. I know what you're thinking – aren't they a competitor? But it isn't like that.

Dear Reader,

As one who has been watching Linux for a long time, I'm saddened to mark the end of Linux Journal, which was just announced this week. I know what you're thinking – aren't they a competitor? But it isn't like that. The community spirit of the open source world is an umbrella for everyone in it – including publishers. If anything, there has always been a kind of camaraderie among the Linux mags.

I knew about Linux Journal long before I had this job. In fact, my associations with Linux Journal date to an earlier era in IT publishing – back to when I was working for other magazines, like SysAdmin and C Users Journal. Linux Journal has been around for so long that I was especially surprised to read the comments on their site that said, "What? You're gone already? I just found out about you!"


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