Linux Voice Introduction

Linux Voice Introduction

© Image © Olexandr Moroz,

© Image © Olexandr Moroz,

Article from Issue 275/2023

This month in Linux Voice and Elvie.

Social networking was supposed to be about community, but corporate giants like Facebook and the vendor formerly known as Twitter started to throw their weight around, so the open source community stepped in with their own collection of social networking tools, known as the Fediverse. We showed you some of the leading Fediverse apps a few months ago in the April 2023 issue. But another controversy boiled up recently when Reddit cracked down on the use of its API, and lots of Linux users wondered if they could find an alternative. As you could probably guess, the answer is a definite yes: There really are open source alternatives to Reddit. This month we feature a leading candidate called Lemmy. Also in this month's Linux Voice: Preserve your data with the Kopia backup tool.

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