Issue #280 / Mar 2024

Cover Theme: Plasma 6

DVD: Linux Mint 21.3 MATE and Zorin OS 17 Core

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Fetch and process YouTube view counts in Go

IN-DEPTH: Programming Snapshot – Go YouTube Stats

Repurposing an aging Chromebook to support security cameras

IN-DEPTH: Keeping Watch

A C/C++ package manager

IN-DEPTH: Nicely Packaged free

What to do when Debian's Apt archives are full

IN-DEPTH: Cleaning Day

Making a retro-style alarm clock

Clocking On

Arduino development on the command line

At Your Command

LINUX VOICE: Linux Voice Introduction

Considering computer memory

LINUX VOICE: Doghouse – More Performance

Comparing files with diffoscope

LINUX VOICE: Spot the Difference

Controlling print jobs with shell commands

LINUX VOICE: Print Center

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