On the DVD

On the DVD

Article from Issue 285/2024

AlmaLinux 9.4 Boot DVD and Fedora Workstation 40 Live

AlmaLinux 9.4 Boot DVD


AlmaLinux is one of the major community alternatives to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Originally intended as an alternative to the now discontinued CentOS, AlmaLinux now describes itself as "binary-compatible," meaning it draws on multiple sources to provide the functional equivalent to RHEL. For the convenience of users, AlmaLinux's version numbers are in sync with RHEL, although releases can come up to a week later.

Codenamed Seafoam Ocelot, AlmaLinux 9.4 is a point release. Therefore, it includes few innovations. Aside from the updating of existing packages and security updates, the main changes continue the ongoing juggling act to maintain equivalent functionality and compatibility with RHEL. The release notes consist largely of lists of packages and extended hardware support included in AlmaLinux but not in RHEL, as well as packages available in RHEL that have been removed from AlmaLinux. The target audience is users who want Fedora code but prefer a community-based enterprise distribution.

Fedora Workstation 40 Live

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