Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog

More thoughts on the GNOME 2 reaction

Jan 25, 2013 GMT

Last week, I suggested that the continued interest in GNOME 2 handicaps desktop innovation.  Since then, a proposal has been made that Fedora's next release should default to Cinnamon, Linux Mint's GNOME 2-like shell. My guess is that the proposal will find many in favor.The popularity of GNOME 2 remains widespread and growing. In the social sense, it qualifies as a reaction -- an attempt to return to an earlier state of affairs, like the Counter-Reformation in the Catholic Church. It's a topic that has drawn more responses than most I've written about -- enough that, at the cost of being too meta, I want to answer back.However, before I do, I should emphasize that I'm far from a fan...
Does GNOME 2 nostalgia harm the future of the free desktop?

Jan 21, 2013 GMT

For a desktop that was supposed to become defunct two years ago, GNOME 2 remains surprisingly alive. Linux Mint offers a direct fork in Mate, and recreates GNOME 2 with a series of extensions in Cinnamon. A new distribution called SolusOS now offers Consort, a fork of GNOME fallback, which resembles GNOME 2. Meanwhile, the GNOME project prepares to support a set of core extensions to reproduce the GNOME 2 experience. Hardly a week goes by without some distribution announcing a release that includes some form of GNOME 2.All this activity is understandable, and even admirable to a degree. It's testimony to users' anger over GNOME 3 and the ability of free software to empower users.However,...
Taking the pledge a little bit further

Jan 10, 2013 GMT

One of my main critiques about feminism in free and open source software (FOSS) is that it has failed to engage large segments of the community -- especially men. Any movement for social change needs popular support, but too often FOSS feminists have taken a top-down approach, keeping directions and even the right to comment in the hands of a self-proclaimed intellectual vanguard.That's why I welcome Rebecca J. Rosen's recent suggestion that people do their bit by pledging not to speak on all-male panels. True, "taking the pledge" sounds like something that teetotallers did in the early twentieth century when they promised not to drink alcohol. But the idea is practical, and...
When to listen to inconvenient criticism

Dec 28, 2012 GMT

Whenever users complain, the members of a free software project have a time-honored fallback. Happy users, they say, rarely bother to comment. Mostly, only the discontented are moved to voice an opinion.However, like all pieces of popular wisdom, this one deserves to be questioned. Is the idea that feedback consists mostly of complaints true, or a rationalization seized upon by those who -- very humanly -- prefer to dismiss criticism of their hard efforts? If so, how do you know when to overlook criticism, and when to take it seriously? And what are the comments of ignoring inconvenient criticism?The temptation is always for project leaders to ignore criticism. For example, when Mark...
The triumph of convenience

Dec 21, 2012 GMT

A few years ago, my neighbors asked for help securing their computer. They were running Windows, so my knowledge was limited, but I did set up a separate administrative account and add passwords to their regular accounts. When I looked at their computer a month later, they had removed both -- and were back to getting viruses and malware along with their movie downloads. Their explanation? That my simple safeguards were "too inconvenient.""Let me get this straight," I wanted to say (but didn't). "It's too inconvenient to spend ten seconds typing a password, or twenty logging into a different account to install software. But it's not too inconvenient to have your...
When cults of personality clash

Dec 11, 2012 GMT

A few weeks ago, Aaron Seigo wrote about the harmful effects that cults of personality have on the free software community. I responded by talking about how writers like me encourage this form of hero-worship. But what, you wonder, could possibly be worse than a cult of personality?In the last few days, one answer that has emerged is two cults of personality in conflict, distracting the community from important discussions.I'm referring to Free Software Foundation founder Richard Stallman's condemnation of Ubuntu's new practice of including results from Amazon and other retailers in Unity's dash search, and Ubuntu Community Manager Jono Bacon's responses.Stallman, as you may have...
Patterns in Linux Journal's Readers' Choice Awards

Dec 06, 2012 GMT

One of the frustrations of writing about the free desktop is the lack of information about the distributions and apps that people are using. That's why, when the latest issue of the online Linux Journal came out, I immediately turned to the results of its Reader's Choice Awards in the hopes of observing the latest trends (despite writing on a competing magazine's site)Of course, like all such surveys and questionnaires, Linux Journal's Reader's Choice Awards are an imperfect indication of what's happening. Linux Journal's audience probably consists of moderately experienced users, so the results are unlikely to indicate what recent immigrants from Windows are using, or the preferences of...
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