Open Source and the Cute Overload 2009 Desktop Calendar

Rikki Endsley

ROSE Blog: Rikki's Open Source Exchange

Sep 18, 2008 GMT
Rikki Kite

I've been trying to figure out how to tie the Cute Overload calendar into my blog about Women in Open Source.

Why would I want to do this? Because I wanted to point out that my precious pets, Maggie and Olive, are on the January 19th page of the new Cute Overload 2009 desktop calendar. It's the next best thing to winning a Pulitzer, right?

If you squint really hard and cover one eye and look past the leopard-print rug (and my Velvet Underground box set and other miscellaneous clutter on the floor), you'll see a stack of Linux books on the floor by my desk in the background. Does that make this a Linux-related blog post?

All of this is pure marketing genius on Cute Overload's part – I've already purchased 10 calendars since my "free" one arrived in the mail. (I bought 7 of them last night.)

Would you like a free Cute Overload calendar? The first person who emails me with the subject line "Dibs" will receive a calendar from my private stash.

UPDATE: And we have ourselves a winner – Congratulations Angela!

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