LibreOffice News and Articles

Text File Statistics

FEATURES: Linguist: A Statistical Extension for LibreOffice Writer free

LibreOffice 24.8 Delivers New Features


Page styles in LibreOffice Writer

FEATURES: Designer Pages free

Aligning Text in LibreOffice Writer

IN-DEPTH: Ducks in a Row free

Comparing LibreOffice and OpenOffice

IN-DEPTH: LibreOffice vs OpenOffice free

LibreOffice vs OpenOffice

The Clear Choice


While LibreOffice and OpenOffice have a shared past, LibreOffice outstrips OpenOffice in contributors, code commits, and features.

An alternative search tool for LibreOffice Writer

IN-DEPTH: AltSearch free

Advanced Features of LibreOffice Impress

Impress at Work


Do more with LibreOffice Impress! It’s a great tool for creating outlines and flashcards, and it has many features and extensions that make it easy to pull together professional presentations.

LibreOffice 7 Now Available


Designing Ebooks with Free Software

Custom Publishing


With LibreOffice Writer and Calibre, you can publish your own ebooks with better results than most online conversion tools.

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