Linux News and Articles

Fedora 35 is Shaping Up to Be an Impressive Release


Bringing Gentoo Linux to the masses

NEWS: Distro Walk – Redcore Linux free

Reconsidering TweetDeck

An Alternative Twitter Interface


Once a problem child on Linux, the Twitter client TweetDeck now installs easily, offering unrivaled features. However, potential changes in the updated beta version raise potential concerns for its future as an alternative Linux-based Twitter interface.

A one-to-one drop-in replacement for CentOS

IN-DEPTH: Distro Walk – AlmaLinux free

An old-style distro doing new things

REVIEWS: Distro Walk – Void Linux free

Running Linux apps on Android without rooting your phone

NEWS: Phone as Linux PC free

The new Python match

IN-DEPTH: Diversions free

A Survey of Init Systems

Init Alternatives


While most distros ship with systemd, init alternatives exist. Here are a few of the leading init systems available for Linux.

New Linux distro for high school education

LINUX VOICE: A Clone on a Mission free

Linux Creator Warns Next Kernel Could be Delayed

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