Practical Knoppix Expert techniques for getting more from Knoppix

Oct 31, 2005

Knoppix creator Klaus Knopper shares some tips for using Knoppix in the real world.

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Suse Linux 10.0 What’s coming in Suse Linux 10.0

Oct 31, 2005

Suse is still one of the most popular Linux distributions. Read on for an introduction to Novell’s new openSuse project and a sneak peak at what’s inside the next version of Suse Linux.

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Gentoo Linux Installing and Managing Gentoo Linux

Aug 31, 2005

Gentoo is a powerful and flexible Linux system that you can customize to fit perfectly into your environment. Our workshop describes how to set up Gentoo. We’ll also show you how to install and manage software on your Gentoo system with the popular Portage software management system.

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Debian 3.1 sarge Exploring the long-awaited Debian 3.1 sarge

Aug 31, 2005

Debian developers coded, talked, and postponed deadlines for 35 months until Debian 3.1, alias Sarge, finally saw the light of the Linux day. The list of new features is impressive, including a new installer and many state of the art technologies.

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Suse Linux 9.3 Suse Linux 9.3 put through its paces

May 31, 2005

The latest version of Suse Linux Professional was released in mid-April. As we have come to expect, the box has a large collection of software, some new and a lot of improved Yast modules, and an extensive documentation. Read on to find out what else has changed in Suse Linux 9.3.

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Linux on SPARC Putting Linux on a Sun SPARC machine

Apr 30, 2005

We all know Linux works smoothly on PCs, but the PC’s x86 archictecture is just one of a range of platforms Linux supports. This article gives you a head start with setting up Linux on a Sun SPARC machine.

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Mac on Linux Running Mac OS X under Linux

Apr 30, 2005

Emulators now give users the ability to run their beloved Mac OS X on Linux, bringing birds of a feather back together

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User-Mode Linux Getting started with User-Mode Linux

Apr 30, 2005

User-Mode Linux feels like Linux because it is Linux. You’ll find a hundred uses for this fast and sensible virtual Linux system

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