Devuan GNU+Linux Latest Release Now Available

Aug 16, 2023

The systemd-free Devuan GNU+Linux version 5.0.0 (aka "Daedelus") has been released and is based on Debian Bookworm.

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CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE Form Alliance to Thwart Near-Closing of the RHEL Source

Aug 14, 2023

With Red Hat/IBM making it harder for developers and teams to access the source for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), some organizations are joining forces to pave a new path forward.

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Rolling Release Rhino Linux Available Now

Aug 09, 2023

The developers of Rhino Linux have been teasing their rolling-release Ubuntu distribution for some time now, and it's finally here for everyone to download and use.

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Nitrux 2.9.1 Available and Uses a Newer Linux Kernel

Aug 07, 2023

If you’re looking for a Linux distribution that shrugs off systemd and ships with a newer kernel, Nitrux 2.9.1 might be just what you want.

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Zorin OS 16.3 is Now Available

Jul 27, 2023

The creators of one of the most user-friendly Linux distributions have released their latest iteration, which includes an exciting new upgrader and other outstanding features.

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Mageia 9 RC1 Now Available for Download

Jul 24, 2023

The developers of Mageia have announced the availability of the latest RC candidate for the upcoming version of their Linux distribution, which includes plenty of updates, resolved issues, and security fixes.

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Linux Mint 21.2 Now Available for Installation

Jul 19, 2023

The latest iteration of the fan-favorite Linux Mint has been released with a number of improvements.

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AlmaLinux Will No Longer Aim for 1:1 RHEL Compatibility

Jul 17, 2023

In lieu of what IBM/Red Hat has done with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source, distributions like AlmaLinux have been forced to make changes to how they build their operating systems.

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