Inkscape Vector Graphics Vector graphics with Inkscape

Jun 30, 2005

When it comes to drawing with the computer, professionals often opt for vector graphics. Inkscape brings the power of vector graphics to Linux users. Our workshop demonstrates how to use the program.

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KTools: Konqueror 3.4 Working with Konqueror 3.4

Jun 30, 2005

Following in the tracks of previous invaders such as Navigator and the Internet Explorer, Konqueror is on a mission conquer the Internet. The KDE 3.4 version of Konqueror is a truly versatile tool that feels at home on the web.

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DeskTOPia: xdesktopwaves Making waves with xdesktopwaves

Jun 30, 2005

If even the most imaginative desktop background is starting to bore you, it’s time for a change. xdesktop waves allows you to change your desktop into a water scape. You can add rain and storms or just drag your mouse to liven things up.

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ExtendedPDF Creating full-featured PDFs in OpenOffice

May 31, 2005

The PDF format has many useful features that make it easier for readers to find their way around large documents, but the native PDF export function in OpenOffice doesn’t allow many of these elements. We’ll show you how to create better PDFs in OpenOffice with the ExtendedPDF macro.

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Apollon File Sharing with Apollon and GiFT

May 31, 2005

The operators of the popular Internet-based file

sharing network, Kazaa, only provide software for

Windows systems, but the GiFT project brings

Kazaa support to Linux.

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DeskTOPia: Apwal Applications on demand with Apwal program launcher

May 31, 2005

Launching a program by clicking

with your mouse can have a few

disadvantages. Users lose their

way in nested menu structures,

and desktop icons can become

hidden behind windows. The

Apwal program launcher makes it

easy to launch with a click.

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Gnome Fonts Managing Gnome Fonts

May 31, 2005

Linux’s text display still suffers from legacy issues, but it is well on the way to

recovering. This article explains how Fontconfig, X, and Gnome work together for

a brighter future.

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KTools: Fonts in KDE Installing Fonts on KDE

May 31, 2005

A well chosen font is the perfect addition to your

Linux experience. KDE provides a number of tools

that help you cook up a really tasty alphabet soup

with very little effort.

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