Better Copy/Paste with Firefox

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Nov 23, 2009 GMT
Dmitri Popov

QuoteURLText and Copy Plain Text are not the most advanced Firefox extensions out there, but they sure can save you a lot of time if you do a lot of copying and pasting from Web pages to other documents. As any Firefox user knows, the copy operation grabs not only the selected text fragment but also all the formatting. In most cases, however, all you want is the text itself without all the formatting silliness. Sure, most applications let you strip the pasted text of formatting, but this just adds one more unnecessary step. The Copy Paste Text extension remedies the situation. Once installed, the extension adds the Copy as Plain Text command to the right-click context menu. When you choose the command, it copies the selected text snippet stripped of all the formatting. Using the extension's preferences, you can set the plain text copying as the default copy action (you need to restart Firefox to enable this feature) as well as configure Copy Plain Text to remove extra spaces and empty lines.

The QuoteURLText extension can come in handy when you need to grab not only the selected text fragment, but also additional information about it, such as source URL, title, and time. This can be particularly useful when you copy and paste text for quoting, or if you just want to keep track of where all your text snippets come from. By default, the extension strips formatting from the copied text (so it can replace Copy Plain Text), but you can enable rich formatting in the extension's preferences. QuoteURLText adds the Quote Text command to the context menu, and you can access the command by right-clicking on the selected text fragment.


  • Thanks

    Thanks for the informative post. For <a href="
    ">copy paste</a> function Firefox is better.
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