CeBIT Open Source 2011 - Project Presentation TYPO3


During CeBIT 2011 open source projects such as TYPO3, open-source content management system, will have the opportunity to showcase what is currently in active development.

Short and sweet: How would you describe your project in one or two sentences?

TYPO3 is a free Open Source content management system for enterprise purposes on the web and in intranets. It offers full flexibility and extendability while featuring an accomplished set of ready-made interfaces, functions and modules.

When did the project begin?

TYPO3’s development was started from scratch by Kasper Skårhøj in 1997.

How many active members does the project have?

The project has around 100.000 registered users, 45 core team members. The amount of active contributing developers is around 500. Those are mainly extension developers.

Why was the project created?

Customers needed a tool to maintain their third generation website without messing up the design.

Why should a CeBIT visitor come to your booth?

Visitors should come to our booth to experience the spirit in which we create our CMS and to see all latest features we have implemented.

Who do you make your software for?

Our mission is “Jointly innovate free software enabling people to communicate”

Where do you see your biggest current challenges?

We have to improve our marketing and organisation.

If you could hire a full-time project developer now, what problem should he or she be ready to solve?

One of our priorities for the next release (TYPO3 version 4.6) is a File Abstraction Layer integrated with Digital Asset Management.

Under which license is the software currently offered?


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