
Members Only

Manage membership data through your website with Admidio

Dec 14, 2015

Admidio manages membership data online no matter what the platform and also manages event dates, times, and participants elegantly.


Conditional formatting in LibreOffice spreadsheets

Dec 14, 2015

Integrate graphical information alongside the data it represents with conditional formatting and sparklines.

Customizing KDE Plasma

Beyond Wallpaper

Mar 22, 2016

The KDE Plasma desktop environment has so many configuration options, it scares some users away. We look at some of the options to get you started.

Getting Parallel

Creating parallel applications with the Julia programming language

Dec 01, 2015

Parallel processing is indispensable today – particularly in the field of natural sciences and engineering. Normal desktop users, however, can also benefit from higher performance through parallel execution with at least four calculation cores.

On the Canvas

The latest ad tracking tricks and what to do about them

Dec 01, 2015

We'll tell you about some powerful new ad tracking techniques and how you can stop them.

Open Emu

QEMU 2 as a versatile virtualization platform

Dec 01, 2015

The new version of QEMU is a free virtualization solution that offers excellent stability and flexibility. We show how to deploy QEMU 2 in a Live environment.


Is a private network useful for privacy and security?

Feb 24, 2016

RetroShare helps you create a private, decentralized friends-to-friends network with encrypted communications, but how much does that increase security and privacy?

NIC Check

Managing your network interface with ethtool

Dec 01, 2015

If ping won't solve your network configuration issues, try ethtool, a powerful utility that lets you manage configuration settings for your network interface card.

Salt and Pepper

Hashes, salt, and pepper

Dec 01, 2015

Cryptographic hash functions help you protect your passwords, but hashing is only secure if properly understood.

Fast and Fluid

Digital audio workstation Tracktion T6 at a glance

Dec 01, 2015

The Tracktion digital audio workstation is finally taking off as it reaches version 6.

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