
NIC Check

Managing your network interface with ethtool

Dec 01, 2015

If ping won't solve your network configuration issues, try ethtool, a powerful utility that lets you manage configuration settings for your network interface card.

Salt and Pepper

Hashes, salt, and pepper

Dec 01, 2015

Cryptographic hash functions help you protect your passwords, but hashing is only secure if properly understood.

Fast and Fluid

Digital audio workstation Tracktion T6 at a glance

Dec 01, 2015

The Tracktion digital audio workstation is finally taking off as it reaches version 6.

On the Trail

Root out rootkits

Sep 24, 2015

Detect rootkits, worms, and other malware with chkrootkit.

Qubes OS: Build in Security with Virtualization

Bulkheads on the Desktop

Jan 27, 2016

Qubes OS compartmentalizes every activity on your desktop in its own VM.

Magic Potion

Functional programming with Elixir

Oct 23, 2015

Developers will appreciate Elixir's ability to build distributed, fault-tolerant, and scalable applications.

Socket Wrench

Troubleshooting sockets with ss

Oct 23, 2015

The unassuming ss utility is easy to understand and easy to type, but it adds some powerful options to your admin toolkit.

Wrapped with a Bow on Top

Build Debian packages and offer them in PPAs

Oct 23, 2015

Is the current package for your favorite Ubuntu program woefully behind the times? No problem: Just a few steps creates an updated Debian package that you can then share with others in a PPA.

Pi-Top: The Missing Manual

Pop the Top

Dec 15, 2015

Follow along as we assemble, customize, and accessorize a Pi-Top kit – the do-it-yourself laptop for the Raspberry Pi.

Master Key

Keep access data secure with Cryptonify

Oct 23, 2015

Keep track of your login information for web services with Cryptonify.

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