
Digital Incubator

A look at the Apache Software Foundation

Sep 03, 2015

Apache incubates hundreds of major software projects and brings together thousands of developers – all without ensuing chaos. How do they manage it?

Conditional Formatting in LibreOffice Spreadsheets

Conditional Formatting

Nov 03, 2015

Integrate graphical information beside the data it represents with conditional formatting and sparklines.


Orderly Situation

Simple backup with Back In Time

Sep 03, 2015

Despite the importance of backups, many users still view the process as too complicated and too inconvenient. Back In Time makes the unloved backup less terrifying.

Pit Stop

Mozilla's systems programming language Rust

Sep 03, 2015

We look at a few features of Rust, Mozilla's systems programming language, and its similarity to other languages.

In Living Color

Color management on Linux

Jul 21, 2015

Get a grasp of color management basics and put your knowledge to practical use.

Get Back

Git-based backups with Kup

Jul 21, 2015

KDE's Kup tool uses Rsync and techniques from the Git version control environment for sophisticated backup with an easy GUI interface.

Crowd Supply Boosts Open Hardware

Crowd Supply

Oct 06, 2015

A small crowdfunding site is helping to boost the growth of open hardware businesses.

Total Recoll

Lost and Found

Sep 22, 2015

KDE's unofficial search engine may be the most usable choice of all. 


mtPaint makes painting easy

Jun 22, 2015

You can create pixel art in just a few mouse clicks with the paint program mtPaint, and it can even teach your works of art how to walk.

Fly Catcher

Using a Raspberry Pi as a network honeypot

Jul 21, 2015

Adding a honeypot to your network will slow down attackers and warn you that intruders are on the wire.

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