
News from Africa

MakuluLinux MCDE 2.0 and Xfce 7.1

Mar 26, 2015

Two desktop environments and two different distributions as a base – introducing MakuluLinux.

Building LibreOffice Online

LOOL brings online document editing and viewing

Apr 08, 2015

Collabora and Ice Warp team up to create LibreOffice Online (LOOL) for online and collaborative document creation and viewing.

Secret Stash

Secure your passwords and personal data with KeePassX

Mar 05, 2015

KeePassX is an open source personal data management tool that lets you keep your passwords, URLs, attachments, and peace of mind

Rain Check

Perl checks for rain and issues umbrella warning

Jan 28, 2015

A Perl script that retrieves the current weather forecast at dawn helps the Perlmeister decide whether to run the risk or take an umbrella just in case.


Manipulating network data streams with Netsed

Mar 05, 2015

Netsed is a small communication tool that lets users modify the content of TCP and UDP data packets on the local network.

Guardian Angel

Detecting vulnerabilities in the WLAN with Wifislax

Mar 05, 2015

Modern WiFi installations provide comfort, but they often have serious security problems. Wifislax offers an extensive collection of tools for checking the security of your wireless network.

Laidout Book Creator

Bookbinding on the Screen

Mar 10, 2015

The Laidout graphic application simplifies the design of books and booklets.

Bean Counter

Nethogs monitors network bandwidth per process

Mar 05, 2015

Nethogs knows which programs and users are monopolizing the system's network connection.

Setting the Records Straight

Lock down your logfiles with logrotate

Jan 28, 2015

The simple act of logging can create management and storage nightmares. Logrotate brings creative solutions to your logging needs.

Tuned Up

Getting the best performance from solid state drives on Linux

Jan 28, 2015

Nothing accelerates a PC like transitioning to an SSD, but some special configuration might be in order if you want to get the most from your drive.

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