
OpenStack, Open Source

The Open Source Model Becomes an Inspiration

Jun 16, 2015

If OpenStack is wildly successful, it is because it has learned from open source.

Loud and Clear

Convert data to diagrams with yEd

Jun 05, 2015

Build complex data structures into simple but illuminating diagrams using the yEd graph editor.

On the Timeline

Visualize time sequences with Timeline

Jun 05, 2015

Timeline manages and visualizes time sequences in a simple and intuitive way.

Couch Potato

Design your own PC remote control

Apr 28, 2015

You don't get a remote control with your PC or laptop like the one that came with your television. We'll show you how to create your own remote with an Android tablet or smartphone.

Mixed Vegetables

Photo editing with Darktable 1.6

Mar 26, 2015

Hardly anything affects the quality of photos more than play of light and shadow, or the brilliance of colors. Darktable fixes incorrect exposure, conceals unfavorable lighting conditions, and ensures harmonious colors.

Setting Type in LibreOffice

Typography of LibreOffice Writer

May 19, 2015

LibreOffice Writer is a serviceable desktop publisher with more typography features than most users imagine.

Hello Firefox

Developing apps for Firefox OS

Apr 28, 2015

The ZTE Open C Firefox phone costs less than $70. The integrated developer environment in Firefox makes Firefox OS ideal for users who always wanted to develop their very own apps.

In Sync

Keeping databases in sync

Mar 26, 2015

As your data volume grows on your home computer, you can quickly and easily create a reliable backup using FreeFileSync.

How ls Works

Anatomy of a simple Linux utility

Mar 26, 2015

A simple Linux utility program such as ls might look simple, but many steps happen behind the scenes from the time you type "ls" to the time you see the directory listing. In this article, we look at these behind-the-scene details.

Terminal Analyzer

Analyzing network traffic with Tshark

Mar 26, 2015

The simple and practical Tshark packet analyzer gives precise information about the data streams on the network.

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