
Total Recoll

Lost and Found

Sep 22, 2015

KDE's unofficial search engine may be the most usable choice of all. 


mtPaint makes painting easy

Jun 22, 2015

You can create pixel art in just a few mouse clicks with the paint program mtPaint, and it can even teach your works of art how to walk.

Fly Catcher

Using a Raspberry Pi as a network honeypot

Jul 21, 2015

Adding a honeypot to your network will slow down attackers and warn you that intruders are on the wire.

Great Expectations

Fedora 22 released almost on time

Jul 21, 2015

Fedora 22 was released a week late, but it is seriously impressive with Gnome 3.16 and the new DNF package manager. Only the installer, Anaconda, might cause beginners a headache.

Garbage Collector

Clean your filesystem with FSlint

Jun 22, 2015

FSlint detects the source of filesystem problems and remedies or mitigates them while cleaning up the hard drive.

Less is More

Fast image processing with ExactImage

Jun 05, 2015

Automate image processing with this quick and easy-to-use photo tool suite.

One Document for Multiple Uses

Single Sourcing in LibreOffice Writer

Aug 11, 2015

With a little planning and a few LibreOffice tricks, you can create one document that contains text customized for various end users.


Back up your systems with Mondo Rescue

Jun 22, 2015

A timely snapshot by Mondo Rescue puts a computer back on its feet after a system failure in just a few minutes.

Light and Shadow

Convert RAW data with LightZone

Jun 22, 2015

The RAW format preserves the full splendor of digital image data. You can develop this material into a format for everyday use with LightZone.


Open Hardware Comes to the Keyboard

Jul 16, 2015

Keyboardio is not only one of the first open keyboards, it looks poised for modest profitability as well.

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