Linux News and Articles

DNF – Behind the scenes of Fedora's future package manager

LINUXUSER: Replacement Parts free

Qubes OS

Exploring the Qubes OS secure operating system


Most operating systems claim to be secure; however, most fail terribly. Newcomer Qubes OS tries a different approach, relying on a microkernel and pervasive virtualization.

Will DNF Replace Yum?

Behind the Scenes at Fedora’s Future Package Manager


DNF will soon replace Yum as Fedora’s default package manager, but it still has some hurdles to overcome.

Klaus Knopper answers your Linux questions

KNOW-HOW: Ask Klaus! free

2013 on the Desktop

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


GNURoot: Linux on Android, No Root Required

Productivity Sauce


NEWS: On the DVD free

Speeding up Linux VMs with Hyper-V's Linux Integration Services

COVER STORIES: Through the Window free

Which desktop will be the default for the next Debian release?

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


Klaus Knopper answers your Linux questions

FEATURES: Ask Klaus free

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