Linux News and Articles

NEWS: Tech Tools

This month's DVD

SERVICE: Linux Mint 14 & Knoppix 7.0.4


SERVICE: Old 100

Top 10 Knoppix rescue tricks

COVER STORIES: To the Rescue

Keeping your computer safe with Linux


Klaus Knopper answers your Linux questions

KNOW-HOW: Ask Klaus!

Tails Secure Distro

Amnesiac Incognito


These days, security and privacy issues are increasingly making the news, but where can the average free software user learn more about safer practices? One of the best answers I have found is Tails, a Debian-based distribution that seems as much about teaching users to make informed decisions as about the software itself.

Issue #146

SERVICE: Ubuntu 12.10 Gnome Remix & Linux Mint 13 KDE

This month's DVD

SERVICE: Gnome Ubuntu Remix 12.10 and Linux Mint 13 KDE

GNOME Proves It Can Listen

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog

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