Linux News and Articles

Coping with the UEFI Boot Process

New Sheriff


The UEFI boot specification offers new capabilities – and new headaches if you aren’t ready for it. Learn how one Linux user came to a truce with the new sheriff.

My last comment on "Linux" vs "GNU/Linux"

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


TeamViewer Version 8 for Linux Released


This Month's DVD

SERVICE: The Complete Linux Magazine Archive

Klaus Knopper answers your Linux questions

KNOW-HOW: Ask Klaus

Copy Files on a Local Network with bcp

Productivity Sauce


Review: Biella Coleman's "Coding Freedom"

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


Issue #149

SERVICE: Fedora 18 Spin Set

Klaus Knopper answers your Linux questions Klaus Knopper

KNOW-HOW: Ask Klaus

This month's DVD

SERVICE: Fedora 18 Spin Set

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