Tools News and Articles

Reading weather data with software-defined radio

COVER STORIES: Waverider free

The age of the Internet of Things is upon us

COMMUNITY NOTEBOOK: Rise of The Things free

Choosing a partitioning scheme

LINUXUSER: The Sum of the Parts free

Building an IRC Bot with Cinch

FEATURES: Bot Tech free

Working with a Data Recovery Service

COVER STORIES: Back from the Brink free

Rescuing and restoring data

COVER STORIES: Lifebuoy free

Fixing Disks with Parted Magic

Disk Aid


It’s really annoying when a disk suddenly dies on you or a typo in a command deletes important data. The free Parted Magic Live distro offers help.

The sys admin's daily grind: New logfile tool

SYSADMIN: Sweet Logger free

Tool tests on the fast track

REVIEWS: Tool Tips free

Monitor file and directory activity with incron

KNOW-HOW: Controlled Files free

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