Tools News and Articles

A command-line search tool for AppImage, Flatpak, and Snap

LINUX VOICE: Rich Harvest free

Making smart devices smarter with Tasmota

NEWS: Home Rule free

Wireless thermo-hygrometer

NEWS: Comfy Digs free

SystemRescueCd – a live system that rescues data and systems

IN-DEPTH: Emergency Medicine free

Security Toolbox

KNOW-HOW: Hardening Linux for Production Use free

Managing Network Bandwidth

FEATURES: Trickle free

Real-time performance monitoring with Netdata

NEWS: Multimeter free

PDF Types in LibreOffice

Custom Export


With LibreOffice, you can customize the way you export PDFs.

Plan and perform your daily tasks

LINUX VOICE: Focus on Your Work free

Purifying your scanned PDF files

IN-DEPTH: New View free

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